Spending lots of time with my little ones lately I have come to realize that many things just aren't important.....being able to turn the tv off, walk away from the dishes, laundry, and cleaning to read a story for the third time the same day is what matters. Sometimes it gets hard to remember what it was like to have the biggest worry of the day be that it might rain because the clouds are coming so the kitty needs to stay inside so she doesnt get washed down the street! This was what kept Mataya sitting at the backdoor for almost and hour with a horrified look on her face when Talia just wouldnt come in! Sweet girl- she has such a huge heart!
Ms. Chelsey has gotten us figured out to a 'T' and has us easily wrapped around her little finger! when she needs something you know! She has started crawling around (not quite gotten her knees up yet) but she can move! She needs a lot of one on one and loves her sissy so much! I look at the two of them and think what my sister and I were like when we were younger... Although we were closer in age- certain roles seem to always go to the older sibling. Mataya "knows" what her sissy wants and what it is that she needs to do (a very straight minded outlook)--- Chelsey may disagree at first but in the end she goes along (a follower) I just hope so much that they will always be close. I cant imagine how empty my life would be without my sister.... Time is going so fast. Chelsey is 7 months old and Mataya will turn 6 in a couple months. I think these are the days everyone looks back on (when they are over) wishing for just one more!
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