We have had a very festive Holiday--- Have a very Merry Christmas
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Friday, December 18, 2009
It is 1:45 AM and my little Ingeborg is running around trying to get into EVERYTHING!!! All I can do is look at her and not know whether to laugh or cry at her little attitude!! She just walked up to me and is smiling so big~~~ sigh ~~ She thinks she's pretty cute!!!!
Thursday, November 12, 2009
This blog is going to be about the person who has inspired me more than anyone. She doesnt even realize that one of the persons SHE admired most is exactly who she is becoming..... My mom was one of the strongest people. No matter how bad things were for her, she could always have a smile upon her face. No matter how much pain (emotionally, financially, even spiritually) that she had- her girls always came first. She would never put herself fist- I could not understand it until I became a mom myself. I see my mom every time I look at my sister. Her strength ~though she doesnt see it- is one of the most valuable gifts our mom passed on to her. My sister has made it through more pain and suffering than one person ever should endure. I have always heard that it is the ones with the most strength that get tested more than others. The pain that I feel I know doesnt even come close to comparison. Yet I have to watch the most important people in my life struggling with hurt...and there is nothing I can do. How do people think that it doesnt effect me ?? I wonder sometimes if I am at the bottom of the pyramid (supporting) or at the top (using others strengths for my own support) The faith and hope my sister has gives me a lot of my strengths.... my moms independence shaped my personality. We had to stick together though sometimes it was very hard. But my mom knew what she was doing... she was forming an unbreakable bond~~~~ Sissy, although we have had losts... all is not lost. I know that you will make it through this difficult time and I know that you will keep being a wonderful person, mom, and wife. You are my best friend and I know that mommy's heart is aching with you. I know that she left you that strength on purpose and that is why at a very early age she taught you how to use it....You'll learn someday how, just remember it is not a punishment to be strong. It was one of the most important gifts she gave that neither fame nor fortune could buy~~~ Sissy, I am thinking of you so much today... I wish I could take the pain away but I dont know how.....I love you
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Our Summer Vacation!!

We had such a great time cruising the old motorhome down to sunny California up the coast to Oregon! We saw so many wonderful things - the Redwoods were so beautiful (even though the girls were not amused)! Saige and Matty said by far the best part was San Francisco and taking a Taxi ride down all of the crooked streets and hills! In Chinatown we got a few souveniers - Robert was so excited to get a sword! 2457 miles in 7 days was mighty fun.... but it was nice to get back home. I loved seeing my family at the reunion. We spent a lot of time just catching up. We went to an awesome aquarium and saw lots of sharks and jellyfish. Chelsey was pretty amused with the shark tank since they swim all around you- even underneath!!!
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
My wonderful Honey

Monday through Friday my hard working honey gives me a kiss and heads out the door to work. I get to stay home and take care of my little loves. I am so thankful to have a man that not only takes care of his family but actually one that enjoys doing it at the same time! We have a vacation coming up and we are headed to San Francisco then up through the Red Woods ending in Oregon for my family reunion. He is so excited and tonight we reserved tickets to ride on a sailboat under the golden gate bridge!! He just hasnt had the chance to do many things especially while he was growing up. I just love that we get to share so much together!!! We have so many wonderful memories already, each day is just proof that people can change, and that love is stronger than anything else in this world! I love you Robert!

Spending lots of time with my little ones lately I have come to realize that many things just aren't important.....being able to turn the tv off, walk away from the dishes, laundry, and cleaning to read a story for the third time the same day is what matters. Sometimes it gets hard to remember what it was like to have the biggest worry of the day be that it might rain because the clouds are coming so the kitty needs to stay inside so she doesnt get washed down the street! This was what kept Mataya sitting at the backdoor for almost and hour with a horrified look on her face when Talia just wouldnt come in! Sweet girl- she has such a huge heart!
Ms. Chelsey has gotten us figured out to a 'T' and has us easily wrapped around her little finger! when she needs something you know! She has started crawling around (not quite gotten her knees up yet) but she can move! She needs a lot of one on one and loves her sissy so much! I look at the two of them and think what my sister and I were like when we were younger... Although we were closer in age- certain roles seem to always go to the older sibling. Mataya "knows" what her sissy wants and what it is that she needs to do (a very straight minded outlook)--- Chelsey may disagree at first but in the end she goes along (a follower) I just hope so much that they will always be close. I cant imagine how empty my life would be without my sister.... Time is going so fast. Chelsey is 7 months old and Mataya will turn 6 in a couple months. I think these are the days everyone looks back on (when they are over) wishing for just one more!
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Valentine's day

I just wanted to wish everone a happy valentines day! I cant believe that it is already the middle of February. I turn 27 in 12 days and just cant believe how quickly time flies the older you get. For valentines we spent the day just hanging around the house. My Matty finds a way to keep herself entertained and was very excited to uncover an old doll (baby alive) that she had recieved for Christmas two years ago... now that we have Chelsey this is her little baby and it is a battle of which "baby" gets the highchair and swing!! I try to explain to her that her sissy needs it more than her baby doll but she will not have any of that talk! My hubby bought me a wonderful willow tree collectible that has a mom and a daughter, this being in memory of my beautiful mommy that passed away a little over a year ago. He is so wonderful and understanding about how much I miss her dearly. I love you Robert and thank you for always taking such good care of your girls! You are the love of my life and I hope we have many more days to be each others valentine!!!
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Chelsey "my little love bug"

My little baby is growing so fast already. In a few days she will already be three months old! She definately has a little personality to her already and makes it clear to everyone within earshot when she needs something! She has brought into our little family a lot of happiness. I never thought that Robert would awaken in the middle of the night (3am) just to give a good night kiss to his little girl even though he had to get up in a couple hours. He says that just give it time and she will be out in the garage helping him with the cars.... I say otherwise and claim she will remain inside with me and her sissy playing princesses!! Time will only tell how her personality will grow. But for now we are enjoying all the new little milestones that happen everyday.
Friends for Always

I was so excited when one of my old friends had the idea of getting the "old gang" back together for a couple nights. We all have kids around the same age so it was incredible to see our little ones playing together. These girls have shared a lot of memories with me throughout the years. I am so blessed to know that even though time and distance has kept us seperated, that nothing can ever really take away a true friend. Thank you Tasha, Annie, and Amber for always sharing a special place in my life, in my heart, for always.... love ya
Ms. Matty ("Tootsie")

Since we got out new addition to the family, my little Matty has just grown up so much. She is not only old enough to do a lot of things on her own~ being five makes her very independent (so she thinks :) but now she is a big sissy! She is mommy's little helper and is such an amazing little girl. Her personality has just always been very busy and a little on the silly side. As Robert would say she lives in her fantasy world! She is my little princess and at times it makes me sad to know that this stage is not going to last forever. Her world is full of make believe animals that she sings with, playing mommy with her dolls, and hide and seek with her kitty Talia. She loves to sing and dance and her songs will continue on and on and on...... which has come in very handy for me to sing to her baby sissy! She is always on the go and entertains herself very well with her coloring and drawings. She is such an artist and lately she has broken into all of my scrapbook supplies to make the perfect surprise picture for me or Auntie. She is my best little friend in the world and I can always look into her beautiful blue eyes, even on the darkest days, and she will light up my heart!
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