Wednesday, October 15, 2008


The obsession started back when I was three years old.... the first time I went to the happiest place on earth. Since then I have had a calling to go to this magical kingdom in Anaheim. My husband is finally able to go and so his first visit will be in December! While it may be his first, my five year old has already gone 3 times, not near enough if you ask me. There is nothing like Disneyland at Christmas. The snow in front of It's a Small World is something that is so captivating it will haunt your dreams every day~~~ calling you back! :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree Disneyland is an Obsession, And the snow on Main Street is absolutely amazing. I can't believe that it took your your husband so long to make his first trip, but I'll bet it hasn't been his last.